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(Ref. HUM-508)
marzo 2025
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Información sobre el grupo

The “Étimo” group was formed in January 1995. Since that time it has been developing its activities and incorporating new members and research topics related to the teaching and learning of language and literature. The group is made up not only of university lecturers but also primary and secondary school teachers who actively collaborate in field studies forming part of research on priority topics, thus lending it an integrative and multi-disciplinary nature.

The group collaborates with the local university (Universidad distrital) “Francisco José de Caldas” in Bogotá (Colombia) and that of Bío-Bío (Chile), as well as with other European universities.


Lines of research

·         Reading comprehension and encouragement of reading


This research topic focuses on three aspects:


a) Obtaining and contributing empirical data on the correlations between scant mastery of reading comprehension and deficits in language mastery in general, and between these aspects and academic failure.

b) Producing scientific work and teaching materials to programme and carry into practice the most effective teaching of reading comprehension.

c) Analysing the possible correlation between the teaching of literature and the results in reading comprehension of pupils who are studying the presence and treatment of literary reading (canon of texts and authors, contents, activities, etc.) in secondary school classrooms.



·         Development of meta-cognitive skills and teaching-learning of grammar


This topic focuses on researching the role of grammatical content in language learning, as well as the effects of the development of learners’ linguistic and meta-linguistic awareness on the improvement of their communication mastery.



·         Didactics of oral and written communication


This topic delves into all aspects of the development of basic linguistic skills in different contexts of education, both formal (schooling) and informal.



·         Didactics of literature and children’s and young adults’ literature


Research is based on establishing the contribution of the didactics of literature to the epistemology of this science. It also analyses proposals for the development of literary skill and readers’ taste through meaningful materials and activities and a formative canon in which children’s and young adults’ literature must have a relevant place.


·         Didactics of the lexicon


This research topic examines the effects of lexical mastery on the entirety of communication skills in the area of teaching Spanish as a second language. Innovative didactic materials are produced and proposals made to improve vocabulary acquisition beyond the traditional memory-based guidelines.


·         Digital literacy in adults


This topic examines the initial learning of reading and writing skills in adult learners, including immigrants, and the supporting role played by new technologies in this task.





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